Youtube Mixtape #5: Top 10 Teenage Albums

There’s this thing going around Facebook right now where people post a list of their top 10 favorite albums from their teenage years. Reminds me of Livejournal, back when we were all posting personality test results. I wasn’t going to bother until Chris Onstad, the guy behind the webcomic Achewood, posted his along with a link to a song from each album. It’s interesting to see the stuff that the people you admire found compelling in their youth. Anyway, here’s my version of the list, in alphabetical order because I scrolled through my mp3 collection to make it:

The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Within You, Without You – My mother did not like this one because of the droney sitar


The Chemical Brothers – Dig Your Own Hole

Where do I Begin?


David Bowie – Earthling

Dead Man Walking


Depeche Mode – Music for the Masses



Foo Fighters – The Colour and the Shape

Everlong – This song was a revelation


KMFDM – Angst

A Hole in the Wall


Nine Inch Nails – The Downward Spiral

Mr. Self Destruct


Queen – A Night at the Opera (My mother’s copy, on cassette. It melted in my car on a particularly hot Florida day)

The Prophet’s Song


Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream (The Pumpkins were My Band as a teen. So many emotions.)



They Mights Be Giants – Severe Tire Damage

Dr. Worm

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